Make your catering equipment last longer

With the hospitality industry experiencing tight cash flow, it is more important now than ever to make your catering equipment last longer. With most commercial kitchens experiencing some form of shut down, it is key to ensure that your equipment is ready and safe to switch back on, or increase the equipment use to full capacity. If you are unsure on how to re-open your kitchen please read the blog ‘Re-opening your kitchen after shut down’ by clicking here.

You can prolong the lifespan of your kitchen equipment by regular cleaning and keeping up with routine maintenance. Just like when you service and MOT your car, your kitchen equipment needs routine maintenance so it doesn’t break down on you. Keeping up with the maintenance of your catering equipment means that you will get more out of your investment, thus prolonging the time in which you will need to purchase replacement equipment.

At Space Group, we offer a Service and Maintenance package where our team of engineers provides preventative and reactive maintenance. Moreover, we provide technical information on equipment, summarising previous maintenance work and repair spend. This enables you to make informed decisions about when to repair or replace an item. The routine preventative maintenance can be set up annually or bi-annually to suit your specific requirements.

The key to prolonging catering equipment is to have great service and support; Space Group are here to keep your kitchen running smoothly.


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